Welcome to Sports Head Trauma! Whether you are an educator, an athlete curious about the effects of heading a ball, a sports fan exploring how your favorite team is protecting their players, a concussion ally, or someone who just wants to learn more about mTBI, you have come to a great starting place!

I have created this website to share what I have learned about sports head trauma. I have drawn upon my experiences as a D1 soccer player who has had concussions, what I have learned in my 7 years of research in the field, and through my journey of raising RHI and concussion awareness to adolescents.

“Having played soccer since I was little, I can’t even attempt a guess at how many times I’ve headed the ball. It’s a significant number. It’s scary to think about all the heading and potential concussions that were never diagnosed in my life, but it’s better to know1.”– Brandi Chastain, retired soccer player, two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion, two-time Olympic gold-medalist, coach, and sports broadcaster.

“The concussion crisis has changed the face of sports as we know it and it has brought to surface the incredible importance of our brain health. The time is now for us to make our brain the number one priority so that education and awareness can take effect, and begin to change the way we approach the health of our athletes from youth to professionals2.”– Ben Utecht, Former tight end for the Indianapolis Colts

“You get a concussion, they’ve got to take you out of the game. So if you can hide it and conceal it as much as possible, you pay for it the next day, but you’ll be able to … stay in the game3.” -Mike Sellers, Former fullback for the Washington Redskins

“But not our children. Not our children. We should stop deceiving ourselves by conformational intelligence that exposing our children to repeated blows on the head is good for them. What you’re inferring is that there is … a blow to the head that is safe4.” -Dr. Bennet Omalu, Forensic pathologist and neuropathologist 

Disclaimer: The information provided by Sports Head Trauma is solely for educational purposes and raising awareness of mTBI & TBI. Sports Head Trauma does not provide medical advice, and the information from this website should not be used to diagnose, manage, or treat a head injury. If you have sustained a head injury or think you have a concussion, seek medical help immediately. If you need medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment information, please talk to a healthcare professional or a physician. This website is not meant to create a physician-patient relationship, or any type of confidential relationship. The information provided by Sports Head Trauma should not be substituted for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment information from a healthcare provider, as the sole purpose of the website is for informational purposes. In the event of an emergency, always speak to a medical professional or call 911.